Sunday, March 11, 2007


Various pieces of music I have been listening to and have been made to listen to have put me in a particularly gravid state where it sloshes about (not unharmoniously, though). Writing about it appears to me the only way to help settle this pabulum. It will take time but here's what I will be writing about in a notebook that has already seduced a page and two quarters from me:

Descent into the Maelstrom - Philip Glass (apropos Glenn Freeman)
1000 Airplanes on the Roof - Philip Glass ( " " )
Soli e Deuttini - Milton Babbitt

Babbitt I listened to out of pure narcissism. But that too shall be explored later.


fong21 said...

Babbitt's music is like a crossword puzzle. Fun to figure out but in the end pretty pointless. It is like mental masturbation.

tseringatisang said...

Yep, mental masturbation, yet another form of narcissism.